Collection: Geschenke für TierliebhaberInnen und ihre pelzigen Freunde

Bist du auf der Suche nach dem idealen Geschenk für dich selbst oder eine tierliebe Freundin? Wir präsentieren eine zauberhafte Auswahl an Geschenken, die das Herz jeder Tierliebhaberin höherschlagen lassen.
Geschenke für TierliebhaberInnen und ihre pelzigen Freunde

Who made my clothes?

Our t-shirts are made from 100% organic cotton under fair conditions in Tiruppur in southern India and are GOTS certified.

Learn more

100% organic cotton & fair production

FellHerz stands for sustainable and passionate fashion and style for individualists who live the pulse of time without chasing trends.

  • how did we start

    FellHerz was created more than ten years ago in the backyard basement of a former metalworking shop in Munich. The label name is the combination of the names of the founders Beate Fellner and Sonja Herzeg. In our workshop, we print our own artwork on fairly produced shirts made from organic cotton.

  • What makes our product unique?

    We paint, draw and design our prints with passion and attention to detail. Almost all of our artworks take you on a journey into the enchanted world of our wild, playful girl.

  • Why do we love what we do?

    We love FellHerz. Our workshop is our working space, living room and studio in one. Here, experiments are just as wild, concentrated work as it is relaxed and celebrated. And we love you, because only your enthusiasm for our shirts makes FellHerz possible! Thank you!

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